I don’t know if it feels the same for other designers, but when I finish a design and stand in front of a blank page, I have a feeling of hollowness that makes me anxious almost every time!
I feel swallowed up by all the possibilities: which yarn shoud I pick? What garment type: do I have too much shawls in my collection?? And how about the knitting direction: should I opt for a bottom-up, top-down, side to side?? …and you get the idea!!
These questions can play on and on in my mind for several days (and nights!!) before I get to finally start my next design. But once I’m up and running (after a series of unravellings and restarts) it’s a bliss… most of the time! 😜
So sometimes, when I find myself in this “hollow”, writing an easy and light pattern helps me to make the transition towards the next design which will require a more sustained investment.
This is how I came to create these new designs : A pair of mittens worked in stranded colourwork named Les gens de la ville and a cowl in mosaic stitch pattern named Mosaic Cowl (yeah I know: not so poetic but “what you read is what you get” 😋). Both will be published next fall.
It feels good to show you new stuff 🤗 because sometimes you can feel lonely when working in the shadows.
Working in the shadows has been my motto for a long time. My adventure in the knitting industry began with a blog I started to wrote from 2007 to 2013 and that was before the advent of social medias as we know them today: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. I was not prepared to deal with people’s comments and reactions on social networks.
I consider myself more of an artist than an entrepreneur. I certainly wouldn’t be in business if it wasn’t for my husband who always worked by my side and was always there to encourage me.
All this to say that after an issue with a podcaster with a certain popularity, I became (rightly or wrongly) the target of a group of people on Facebook. It marked a turning point in my life where my husband and I made the decision that I would no longer be at the forefront of the company. Since I never had the habit of signing my patterns, it wasn’t a big change there. But my name, Louise Robert, was taken out of the public eye.
Closing my blog was a hard thing to do… but the fact that I was the only full-time employee working in our yarn shop, serving customers, giving knitting classes, managing purchases and inventories (and so on!!!) was an additional factor in my decision to retire from the “public life” back then. Was it the good thing to do? I guess I’ll never know…
Boy! It looks like I had a lot more to say than I thought! If you’re still here, thanks for reading to the end!! Please take a minute to leave a comment. I love to hear from you x x x
I have just discovered your designs this year and I really adore them. Looking forward to the mosaic cowl.
Thank you!! This will be an easy and quick knit 😉
Sometimes people do get irate, or some just like to get others riled up…it’s unfortunate when you’re just trying to share something that gives you joy. So, thank you for your beautiful yarns, your beautiful patterns, and your helpful tips and tutorials. The knitting and crochet designers have become very skilled at new techniques and shortcuts. I am grateful for all that you do add to the pleasure of our craft. Thank you. 🙂 (Looking forward to those mittens…)
Thank you Debbie! You are right about designers skills and the good thing with internet today is that we can share our passion with others… so we must focus on that ♥
Ma belle Louise, je suis contente de te lire. Tu as la chance d’avoir une créativité débordante et qui inspire beaucoup de gens .. y compris moi et ce, depuis fort longtemps. Continue de nous décrire tes aventures, on adore ça !! Grosse bise X
Merci Isabella! Je suis contente d’avoir de tes nouvelles ❤️❤️❤️
Chère Louise, je te suis depuis pratiquement le tout début et je me suis souvent demandé pourquoi ce changement et la je comprends. Merci d’avoir partagé. Je suis heureuse que tu aies décidé de continuer à partager ton talent avec nous. Tes modèles et ta laine sont superbeset inspirants!
Merci Carole! Oui en effet je te reconnais comme l’une des plus fervente lectrice de mon blog ♥ 🙂 Merci de continuer à me suivre! 😘 Comme tu peux voir, je ne suis pas trop du genre à laver mon linge sale en public alors ça aura pris 7 ans (et un nouveau blog) pour que je m’explique un peu 😲
Avec l’arrivé des réseaux sociaux, les blogs sont un peu moins populaires qu’avant mais j’aime beaucoup cette formule. Pour moi le blog a toujours été comme un journal qui me permet de m’ouvrir un peu sur le monde. Mais avec la croissance et l’évolution de Biscotte, ce n’était plus possible d’écrire sur ce blog à un degré personnel: le blog avait dépassé la blogueuse 😜
À bientôt x x
Bonjour ! est-ce que les couleurs du col ont été nommées et est-ce que je peux avoir le patron du col ?
Bonjour Sylvie! Oui le patron du col se nomme le Col Mosaïque et vous pouvez le télécharger gratuitement sur le site Les Laines Biscotte ici: https://leslainesbiscotte.com/products/col-mosaique-patron-de-tricot
Merci de votre intérêt pour mon modèle 🙂
Bonjour Louise, De mon côté , je n’ai jamais le temps de sentir un vide car tes projets sont tout simplement magnifiques. Il arrivent plus vite que la fin de mes projets. Je n’ai que l’embarras du choix et c’est un pur plaisir de tricoter depuis que je connais les laines Biscottes! Bientôt je souhaite me faire un beau pull en Dolce !!!
Merci Denise, ça me fait chaud au coeur de lire votre commentaire 🙂 Un beau pull en Dolce ?? Justement je suis en train d’écrire un modèle (on dirait que les grands esprits se rencontrent 🤓) À bientôt!!