My latest designs…

Hello dear blog readers and knitters! I have been busy lately and didn’t took the time to show you my latest designs!!

I have launched a new shawl design, which I am very proud. This shawl is named Across the universe…

This shawl is knitted diagonally using short rows. Unlike traditional shawls, the further along you get in this project, the shorter the rows are! Besides, the different stitch patterns will keep you engaged until the end.

To knit the original version of this shawl, I used a skein of DOLCE in my hand-dyed yarn collection and a skein of LATTE from Biscotte Yarns. Unfortunately, while this shawl was being tested, Biscotte Yarns had to discontinued the LATTE. All the issues with the Covid had affected some suppliers. Therefore some yarns and/or fibers are harder to obtain or are no longer available at all. This is very sad because the Latte was a lovely yarn…

So I finally changed the yarn requirement from Latte to Super Sock from my hand-dyed yarn collection. Gauge is pretty much the same and the final result will be just as beautiful ♥

You can find this pattern on, and on my Ravelry store right HERE.

Again, thanks to the tester who helped me to improve the instructions of this design. Testers are so important and I will never thank them enough!! If you would like to be notified next time I have a pattern to test, you can subscribe using the link from the top menu “Become a tester” 🙂

Today, I am launching Rolling on the river, made with a beautiful Paintbox yarn assortiment by Biscotte Yarns ♥

Like a river flowing down in a quiet roll, this delicate design is knitted from one wave to the next, cradled by a gradient of colors that evolve from beginning to end…

To knit this pattern, you start by using the first skein from the Paintbox. You knit with this skein for a while and then you alternate few rows with the second skein… and then you use the second skein alone etc.

You continue in this manner until you have reached the last skein… In addition to this nice gradient effect, the stitch pattern will make the colors wave and is completely reversible!!!

This pattern is available for free on Biscotte’s website. If you are in Canada, use this link to find the free pattern and for everyone outside Canada, you may use this link here!

My new videos for Biscotte Yarns

Lately, I have started to make video to introduce every new products and designs available on Biscotte’s yarn stores and websites. So basically I am showing the new stores additions: knitting accessories, hand-dyed and commercial yarns, new designs and some behind the scene as well 🙂 If you would like to have a look, you can find this new serie of video on Youtube HERE

Otherwise, you are always welcome to follow my Instagram account @LouiseRobertDesign, where all the news and some VIP promotions are available.

Have a nice one ♥

5 Replies to “My latest designs…”

  1. Across the Universe Shawl
    I love the look of this shawl pattern and so I ordered yarn from Biscotte Yarns. I have finished Sections 1 and 2 and now I realize that I have done something wrong with the German Short Row technique. I am supposed to have 151 stitches to start Section 3 but I have 126. I understand how to do German Short Rows but I don’t think I counted right. I thought I should be doing 2 fewer stitches on each right side row, then turn the work and slip the 1st stitch with the GSR technique. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?

  2. Can I purchase a a kit for this, the pattern and yarn? What would be the cost for the colour way you have chosen, that is the one I would like? Thanks

  3. Hello Janice, I suggest you use the short row countdown at the end of the pattern, it will help you follow the stitch count on each rows, making sure you are not off the stitch count… Also, as mentioned on this page: be careful not to mistake the slipped stitch for the turning point. ON the RS, the turning point is just after the slipped stitch.

    Hope it help 😉

  4. Bonjour,
    J’ai commencé la section 1 du châle Across the universe.
    Je me questionne sur la réalisation du rang 2 de la section 1( je suis au tout début ☺️) mais je be comprends pas l’utilisation du German short rows. J’en ai déjà fait mais je ne saisi pas votre patron.
    2e rang nous commençons par un Gl1-GSR, ensuite tricottons les mailles envers ad 3 dernières mailles qui seront tricottées en l’endroit?

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